General Fund


General Fund is used for any request that comes to all of the Executive Board and does not particularly fit the role of another fund. Funding requests to the general fund must be approved by a majority of board voting members. It's also the location wherel leftover funds from the year go.

Requirements / Eligibility: Anyone and anything can apply for money from General Fund. We will usually request that you search for funds that suit the prupose of the project first but if an individual needs more support or has already looked, then the General Fund is a great place to go.

Amounts: The largest funding request we funded in the 2017 fall semester was for $4,100 for Sex Week. Sex Week was a week of programming put on by CMC Advocates, to inform and educate, start important conversations, give people opportunity to know their STI status, make information more accessible, change the culture around sex on campus. 

 The lowest amount we've given this semester is $150.

Deadline: Funds are available throughout the academic school year. The General Fund is where all excess funds go during the budget freeze that occurs towards the end of the year.

Examples of funding requests: Varied, anything from student projects and ideas such as the yearbook to events students want to host on campus. An example is this fund has funded $500 for food for Flame Fest, an organized talent show.

Many 5c governments request funding, from the General Fund as well, for 5c parties such as HMC's Slippery When Wet and HMC's Paint Party.

Contact: ASCMC President

Apply for funding here.