Dormitory Affairs Chair (DAC) Discretionary Fund


Students can collaborate with their dorm presidents to organize an event and request funding, but the funding itself may only be allocated to a dorm president and events they agree on hosting.

Requirements / Eligibility: Fund can only be allocated to Dorm Presidents. Reach out to your Dorm President. 

Amounts: Varies; generally this fund is for larger scale events or programming that needs additional funding support beyond the budgets of each dorm. 

Annual Deadline: Funds are available throughout the academic school year.

Example of funding requests: We funded Beckett Dorm $90 to buy a holiday tree for the 2017 Winter Season because their dorm had already spent half of their budget and alternative sources of funding they had explored, such as funding from their RA's budget, were not available. In addition, part of the appeal of funding this request, was that the tree would be available for future years as well.

Funding has gone towards dorm live performances (such as events with music and dancing) where individual dorm budgets are not sufficient to cover the costs of equipment and lights.

Contact: Dormitory Affairs Chair