Under the Lights

Hello from the oldest club on CMC’s campus! Under the Lights is here to bring you laughs, drama, and a good time with some quality amateur theatre. Through our awesome array of shows, workshops, and other theatrical experiences, UTL fosters an amazing community of students seeking to engage in the performing arts—no experience required! All CMC students are eligible to come out and participate in any of our shows and events, from our one-acts play festival to full length productions in the Athenaeum. UTL is excited for its new virtual programming and events to continue bringing theatre and good vibes to CMC! 

For more information follow us on Instagram @utl.claremont




Alessia Zanobini ‘23, azanobini23@cmc.edu

Charlene Baghdadi ‘25, cbaghdadi25@cmc.edu

Elise Thuresson ‘24, ethuresson24@cmc.edu

Anna Tolkien ‘24, atolkien24@cmc.edu
