Middle East Culture Club 

Middle Eastern Culture Club is an affinity group here at CMC! Our goal is to bring a taste of Middle Eastern culture to Claremont, or in this case to your home! This year we hope to focus on creating an inclusive environment for people to share their experiences and ideas on how to make our college community a better place. One of our goals in the past has been to bring a taste of the Middle East to CMC through samplings of Middle Eastern Food, movies, and music, as well as hosting cultural nights. This year we hope to maintain the same momentum of integrating Middle Eastern culture into the Claremont scene through Zoom! We intend on hosting different Zoom events that will help bring students together, even when we are apart.


President: Mohammad Yassin ‘23, myassin23@cmc.edu

Vice President: Sara Habaibeh ‘25, Shabaibeh25@cmc.edu